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8 min read

Understanding good debt, bad debt and everything in between

By Louisiana FCU on Feb 27, 2023 11:17:20 AM

Not all debt is created equal. 

Topics: Lifestyle Personal finance Business finance Financial mindset Debt Starting Out Shopportunist Tips & Resources
4 min read

Investing your age: What’s your REAL risk tolerance?

By Louisiana FCU on Aug 22, 2022 12:31:50 PM

You know that deciding to invest some of your money in the market automatically means you’re setting yourself up for possible loss.

Topics: Lifestyle Personal finance Financial mindset Nearing Retirement Shopportunist Wallet Warrior Tips & Resources
7 min read

Build your nest egg: Best ways to invest for retirement

By Louisiana FCU on Aug 22, 2022 11:52:30 AM

Investing your money is a tried and true approach to building a life worth enjoying after retirement. But with so many options available, you may feel stuck.

Topics: Lifestyle Personal finance Financial mindset Nearing Retirement Shopportunist Wallet Warrior Saving & Budgeting Career Tips & Resources
7 min read

The best low-cost vacation spots in Louisiana (that you're guaranteed to love)

By Louisiana FCU on Apr 1, 2021 12:00:00 AM

A great vacation doesn't have to involve flying or traveling across the country. When thinking about your summer vacation, consider an affordable road trip to nearby locations you may have overlooked.

Topics: Lifestyle Parenting Financial mindset Penny Prioritizer Shopportunist Tips & Resources