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3 min read

4 ways to maximize your 401k

By Louisiana FCU on Jul 11, 2022 11:47:33 PM

Don't retire poor! Use these strategies to maximize your 401k.

Topics: Lifestyle Retirement Wallet Warrior Saving & Budgeting Career Tips & Resources Case Studies
5 min read

The importance of becoming financially fit

By Louisiana FCU on Jul 11, 2022 10:40:45 PM

Flex those financial muscles and get your wallet into shape.

Topics: Lifestyle Personal finance Credit score Financial mindset Overspender Indifferent-to-money Starting Out Tips & Resources Case Studies
4 min read

Scammers are turning hopeless romantics into illegal money mules

By Louisiana FCU on Aug 26, 2019 12:00:00 AM


18,000 people in the U.S. are putting the “broke” in “heartbroken” as online scammers continue to prey on hopeless romantics, to the point of unwittingly aiding in a crime.

Topics: Scam Prevention Privacy & Security Tips & Resources Case Studies Media